Collegiate Degree/Lining/Chevron Colors for Academic Regalia
- Drab
- Accounting
- Maize
- Agriculture
- Blue-Violet
- Architecture
- White
- Arts
- Light Blue
- Arts in Education
- Drab
- Business Administration
- Drab
- Business Education
- Scarlet
- Canon Law
- Nile Green
- Chiropody
- Silver
- Chiropractic
- Blue-Violet
- City Planning
- Orange
- Civil Engineering
- Drab
- Commerce
- Drab
- Commercial Science
- Crimson
- Communication
- Russet
- Conservation
- Light Blue
- Counseling and Guidance
- Science Gold
- Criminology
- Midnight Blue
- Criminal Justice
- Lilac
- Dental Surgery
- Lilac
- Dentistry
- Scarlet
- Divinity
- Brown
- Dramatic Arts
- Copper
- Economics
- Light Blue
- Education
- Orange
- Engineering
- White
- English
- Science Gold
- Environmental Science
- Brown
- Fine Arts
- Aquamarine
- Foreign Affairs
- Peacock Blue
- Foreign Service
- Russet
- Forestry
- Peacock Blue
- Government
- Sage Green
- Health and Rehabilitation
- White
- History
- Sage Green
- Hygiene
- Science Gold
- Industrial Arts
- Drab
- Industrial and Labor Relations
- Dark Blue
- PhD Blue*
- Crimson
- Journalish
- Purple
- Jurisprudence
- Purple
- Law
- White
- Letters
- White
- Literature
- Lemon
- Library Science
- Science Gold
- Mathematics
- Kelly Green
- Medicine
- Science Gold
- Military Science
- Pink
- Music
- Silver
- Naprapathy
- Apricot
- Nursing
- Aquamarine
- Optometry
- Silver
- Oratory
- Kelly Green
- Osteopathy
- Light Blue
- Pedagogy
- Peacock Blue
- Personnel Services
- Olive
- Pharmacy
- Science Gold
- Philanthropy
- Dark Blue
- Philosophy*
- Saga Green
- Physical Science
- Science Gold
- Physics
- Nile Green
- Podiatry
- Science Gold
- Police Science
- Dark Blue
- Political Science
- Gold
- Psychology
- Peacock Blue
- Public Administration
- Salmon Pink
- Public Health
- Peacock Blue
- Public Service
- Blue-Violet
- Regional Planning
- Light Blue
- Religious Education
- Scarlet
- Sacred Theology
- Citron
- Sanitary Science
- Science Gold
- Science
- Dark Blue
- Social Ethics
- Citron
- Social Science
- Citron
- Social Service
- Citron
- Social Work
- White
- Sociology
- Silver
- Speech
- Nile Green
- Surgical Chiropody
- Scarlet
- Theology
- Citron
- Urban Life
- Blue-Violet
- Urban Planning
- Gray
- Veterinary Science
Additional Lining & Chevron Colors
- Maroon
- Hunter
- Royal Blue
- Cream
- Emerald Green
- Navy Blue
- Gold
- Red