Five Essential New Year’s Resolutions for College Students

Five Essential New Year’s Resolutions for College Students

Your New Year's resolution has to be realistic. Here are some attainable ones just for you!
Image source: Schollegiate

College students find it hard to commit to anything due to their heavy workload as they go through the challenges of their academic lives. Their focus is mostly on schooling and other than brief periods of leisure, they really can’t commit to anything else.

Is it therefore possible for you to have a New Year’s resolution? If you’re currently in college, you may feel that resolutions are too much of a burden to even handle. But there are always essential ones which are achievable! Below is a list of ideas which you can easily follow!


  1. Keeping a budget

You’re already in college and if you still rely on your folks to allocate your budget for you, you may have difficulties later in life when doing so yourself. Set aside a sufficient amount for savings first and foremost so you’ll have some funds which you may be able to use later on. Then, you can move on to other things such as your needs like textbooks and matriculation fees.

  1. Focusing more on needs than wants

In college, there are things which you need to handle financially. Student loans, textbooks, school activities and fundraisers—these may drain your finances if you don’t know how to go about them. You should know how to get your priorities in order and use your money primarily for your academics. Everything else can follow afterwards.

  1. Learning to get some sleep

It’s not exactly healthy to not get enough sleep at night. Sure, you may have a good excuse for it—especially when you’re cramming, but it will affect your performance the following day. Also, it’s been proven recently that cramming isn’t really effective. If you’re up all night for different reasons such as partying or drinking out, you may want to set all that aside for the weekend.

  1. Considering a summer internship

In college, you’re theoretically being taught how to go about life as a professional. Put what you’ve learned to a test and get a summer internship! Not only does it give you a clear view on what’s it like in the real world, but it also develops your skills. That way, you’ll be ready to take the future on! Here is a handy little site for internships.

  1. Finishing papers and assignments before the deadline

Ever felt like you’re always in a rush to meet deadlines? Have you noticed that your output have been halfheartedly done? It’s most likely because you haven’t taken the time to finish them days before the actual deadline. Doing your tasks early allow you to be more efficient in working on them and it relieves you from any anxiety at the last minute.

Do you think you can follow the resolutions mentioned above? Then you're ready to face the year ahead!

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