Your Graduation Party

Planning a Party

All night parties or “lock-ins” are growing ever more popular to keep kids safe after graduating. Celebrating in a safe environment just makes sense these days where there is no risk of drinking and driving. It can also be an all-inclusive event so that nobody feels left out. Typically the party starts 60-90 minutes after the ceremony so there is plenty of time to wrap photos up and change into more comfortable party clothes. Transportation is usually provided. Obviously a party this big takes an extraordinary amount of planning and commitment. Volunteers are critical to their success. Parent committees usually host these types of parties, and in many towns, parent involvement is expected and necessary.

Many people are needed for the planning and execution of a graduation party. Event Chair-People are responsible for overseeing the entire event. The Treasurer manages everything financial. The Secretary is responsible for all communication, both internal and external. The Set-Up and Clean-Up crew decorates the space, manages the catering and drinks, and tears down. Team Captains are responsible for ticket sales, soliciting donations and more. Chaperones welcome attendees, run games, serve food, hand out prizes and introduce entertainment. Lastly, no big party for high school students is complete without security. Patrol officers keep tabs on off-limits areas. It is also important to ensure that somebody is on site who has medical training should there be an emergency.

Activity and entertainment ideas

Different activities are critical to the success of an all-night graduation party. Here are just a few ideas to get the creative juices flowing.

• Music. Whether the music is live or a DJ, nothing gets a party moving like music. • Picture show – slides of students from their last year of high school. Or make it truly interesting and organize/solicit photos from their earlier years! • Karaoke. What better than to watch fellow classmates make fools of themselves? Or in rare cases, blow you away. • Photo booth. These are growing increasingly popular and for good reason. Who doesn’t like yucking it up with friends in a photo booth? • Carnival-style games. • Movies. Best suited for when it’s time to settle down and think about getting some shut-eye • Sports.